
Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th!

Hope you are having a great 4th of July!!

We spent ours at Dan's sister's swimming and eating hamburgers/hot dogs and all the fixin's.

The folks at the lake and the yacht club put on their second annual Light The Lake event last night. This is becoming a big precursor to the 4th. There were probably close to 10,000 people at both boat ramps. They had music, and vendors setup at one end of the lake. We got there to late to do that stuff, but drove the Amphicar across the lake from the other end of the lake and watched the fireworks from the water. There were some pretty spectacular fireworks! It wasn't so bad driving in since most of the boats were already on the water, but coming out there were a lot of them lined up waiting for their trailers. We were lucky to find an open lane and just drove right out! There is something to be said for having a boat that is also a car and not have to deal with a trailer!

Wishing you a fun and safe 4th!!!!!
